Just wanted to quickly show a few photos to give anyone new to my space what to expect and what I offer.


Photography Space

This is the primary shooting space. As you can see, it’s a converted two-car garage, but the laminate flooring and black velvet curtains hopefully communicate my intent to show that I take this space seriously. Also, I try very hard to remove as many light-stands and electric cables off the floor as possible to allow as much mobility without creating a tripping hazard.

43” Tethering System

A feature that I absolutely love having in the studio is the ability to “tether” to this 43” television. This allows for myself, the client, and any other interested party present to immediately view what we are capturing at the time the image is taken. I use this so that:

1) Any time we change outfits, backgrounds, or lighting, we can take a quick shot and view the image to agree we like the changes.

2) My hope is that as we review the images taken, the client feels fantastic about their choices and for the 30-minute session, happy to make their selection, or for the longer photoshoots, excited to choose from an online proofs gallery to be delivered in about 24-48 hours. (Prior to tethering, I would show small thumbnails on the back of the camera and it was just not big enough to know what their potential is).


Staging/Prep Area

Immediately to the left of the photography space is this staging/prep area. Here I provide a place to hang any clothes to keep them from wrinkling, a large, lit mirror for the client/model, power outlets, and a table so nothing needs to be put on the floor.

Note that I keep sanitation wipes and Lysol that I use before/after every shoot to help keep the room clean and adhere to state regulations with regards to Covid19. I also keep a pump-bottle of hand sanitizer at the ready that I use frequently and is available to anyone.

Also, in the colder months, I have the industrial heater mounted on the ceiling to keep the space as warm as desired.

Pre-Hung Seamless (Paper) Backgrounds

Not necessarily a “amenity”, but I wanted to show that I have a variety of seamless paper ready to fly in/out during the shoot, making transitions easy.

The wall of twinkle/Christmas lights does work, but it’s not as quick to transition in and out of because of other lighting/camera requirements.

Private Bathroom

Behind that door in the photo above is a private bathroom for anyone to use and offer privacy when changing outfits.